About Me

I believe we all have a story that has brought us to exactly where we are today.

My journey began over 40 years ago – 

All of my life I have been a caregiver. To my siblings when I was younger, later to a husband and children, and then my aging parents. My siblings are grown, I’m divorced, my children are on their own, and both of my parents have passed on.

One day I realized there was no one to take care of.  People told me ” it was time to take care of my self.”

What the Hell did that even mean? 

And at that moment I realized that I had never taken care of MYSELF. I knew that NOW is the time to finally care for and heal myself.

I didn’t know where to turn for help; I didn’t feel like I could tell anyone what I was going through. I really thought that I was the only person struggling with these issues.

I had to reinvent myself, but 1st I had to find myself. 

I started reading every self-help book I could find, took courses and got a personal life coach.

I spent my whole life doing what others wanted me to do. 

  • What did I like? 
  • What foods did I like to eat?
  • Who did I like to hang out with?
  • What kinds of things did I like to do?
  • Who do I want to be?
  • What do I want for MY future?

My whole life I just let life happen to me, I was never taught to dream. I thought if I was lucky that maybe something exciting would happen to me now and then.

I saw other people living their lives and I wanted what they had. Though how do I go about it?

I started to dream.

In the early part of 2017, my prayers were answered when The Health Coach Institute showed up in my life. I knew that becoming a Health Coach was what I was meant to do. I had so much personal experience around food, weight, body image and self-love that I knew I can help women that struggle with the same issues.

A few years in I started seeing there were so many women who’s lives were turned upside down by divorce after 50, just like mine. Some lost their partners and some women lost their jobs after the age of 50.

I never thought that I’d be divorced at age 54 having to start over. These women were a lot like me “Now what do I do with my life?”

In 2019 I found that Health coaching was no longer a fit and I reinvented myself once again. I started coaching women who had an unexpected turn of events happen in their lives, who had to start over and create a new dream.

I am passionate about helping women not only gain clarity on what they want, but understand how to make it a real possibility, and then a REALITY for themselves. To create a New Dream!

I believe every woman has an innate wisdom within, and part of my job is to help her tap into it to create the life she knows is hers deep within so that she can create the life of her dreams.  

When we tap into our truth and align our internal and external worlds, we transform, heal and thrive!
