Body Linguistics Energetic Body Scan and Balancing

Alternative Whole Body Healing for Body, Mind, and Spirit.

You will receive a detailed analysis of your energy systems, scanning the body for Energy loss conditions, such as trapped emotions, pathogens (ie. virus, mold, bacteria and or parasites) and toxicity, looking at system blockages in your body.  I use several different modalities to clear blockages, toxicity, pathogens and release trapped emotions, balancing the systems of the body.  Energy shifting will be initiated to dissolve the blocks, remove the ‘entities’ and restore the natural energy flow throughout your body.  Once all systems are in balance I will do an integration to set all changes in place.

I assist you in your effort to bring balance and coherence to dysfunctional energy systems. 

The Comprehensive Body Linguistics Assessment can be used alone or as a complement to Western Medicine.

Once the body is back in balance it has the ability to Heal its self.  

The initial assessment takes 2+ hours

Body Scan and Balancing Session Cost


Tune up:  Continue follow-up to Comprehensive Body Scan 30-minute session is $70

Specific Issue Body Scan and Balancing: 15-minute session is $35 and $35 for every 15 minutes thereafter.

Specific Issues assessment consists of:  Continue follow-up balancing. Clearing toxins and pathogens when you might not be feeling up to par. Balancing system; maybe you have a rib out, headache, stomach ache or pain you can’t get rid of.   Supplement evaluation; are the vitamins you are taking really needed. Or releasing for trapped emotions.

View a Sample Body Scan Form

Following an intake form this Energetic Body Scan can be done together over the phone or the result can be emailed to you.  The Boday scan can be done even if you are 3,000 miles away — since we are all energy, there is no time and space.

To schedule a Body Scan and Balancing assessment please call Angie Bergen at 702-296-4732 or email Angie @


Disclaimer: I, Angie Bergen, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine.  I don’t diagnose heal, cure or treat disease. I recommend people continue to see their medical doctors and follow their advice.  My work is a complement to conventional medicine.  This spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any kind, physical or psychological. For such issues, you should seek a properly licensed physician or healthcare professional.  This energy work may help the bio-field to come into energetic balance.  When one’s energy field is in balance, the body’s latent healing ability can heal its self.  I make no promises or guarantees about the results of this work.